There is a considerable and growing need to better understand the dynamic response of exposed cables on offshore wind turbine support structures. CRP Subsea, have spent six years developing a bespoke motion sensor capable of full integration into new cable protection systems or retrofitting onto currently installed cables. Deployment of Mimir Digital Intelligence will start to reverse the growing trend of submarine cable failure, monitoring actual motions such that the real time-to-failure can be determined. This added assurance will also close the design loop allowing for future deployments to be able to reduce design conservatism through the availability of actual data. The system also offering marine habitat monitoring.
By introducing electronics companies with no knowledge of cable motion nor cable protection we are creating a complex supply chain where these companies obtain data insight which they want to capitalise. However, the cable protection system OEM (CRP Subsea) has a vested interest in making the data work to help the industry better appreciate how CPSs respond and ultimately how the cable is being protected. Decoupling these will never provide the synergy needed to eliminate risk. Indeed, it has been this approach that has seen a major Oil & Gas operator want to work with CRP Subsea, as they have identified that getting the data into the hands of those who understand what it means, ultimately provides them with greater operational assurance.
Permits motion, strain, temperature and environmental monitoring with minimal cost of ownership
Removes the need to secondary installation campaigns
Reduces supply chain complexity
Puts the data into the hands of those who can best analyse it
Latest state-of-the-art industrial sensors
Long life
Fully hot-swappable
NjordGuard Cable Protection System